While it may seem like a guy is aroused from nothing more than a smile and a hi, that isn’t entirely true. Much like women, guys have their own preferences when it comes to foreplay. The biggest difference between the sexes is that a guy can be physically ready to have sex without receiving the foreplay he prefers and a woman typically cannot.
Unless you are in a rush and wanting to get by with a quickie over your lunch break, chances are you want to know exactly what it would take to please your partner. That means you would like to have some ideas on the kind of foreplay that he would like to experience.
Here are a few things that will almost always get your man’s heart racing and get him ready for sex:
1. Tease him. Men like to be teased just as much as women do. They enjoy the cat and mouse game that comes with sexual relationships. Rather than jumping right into bed, give him a little taste throughout the date of what may or may not be in store for him. Let him know during dinner that you aren’t wearing any panties. Lightly touch yourself in spots that draw his attention and his desire. Lick the spoon, or better yet your fingers, with a sexy smile. Tease him with the idea of sex long before you are in a position to follow through.
2. Dress sexy. You know him and what he likes. Make yourself look appealing from the moment you see him. This works even better when he’s accustomed to the you that sits and watches movies in sweatpants with no makeup. Fix yourself up for him. Wear a low cut blouse. Make sure the undies match. The most important part of this is that you feel sexy. Because when you feel sexy it will show through to him and he will find you sexy.
3. Talk dirty. There’s a reason so many lines exist where men can pay to hear a woman talk dirty. They like it. Keep in mind that he’s a man and his idea of sexy talk and yours are different. But give him a call and whisper some naughty things into his ear. If you are together, say them. It will turn him on and you will reap the benefits.
4. Send him erotic pictures. Guys like to look at you. But leave them just clean enough that he’s wanting more. Something suggestive and flirty is perfect. Keep in mind that unless you have no doubts about his future choices, it’s best to make them pictures that you wouldn’t mind others seeing. But a good tastefully sexy photo now and then will increase his desire for you.
5. Touch him. Guys have erogenous zones as well. Make sure that you touch him in those spots and keep him wanting more and more. Nibbles. Kisses. All of it will work together to turn him on.
6. Strip. This is a tried and true way to turn a guy on. They are visual beings. Nothing will get him ready to get his freak on quite like watching you undress for him. Knowing that you are baring all for his eyes only is a turn on in itself. He also likes the erotic appeal of watching the clothes slip away. Most of all, he really likes to look at you naked. And if you are like the rest of us, you keep that hidden a lot more than you should.