We live in a world in which technology is essential for our lives and it is present everywhere around us. So why wouldn’t it be present in our sex life as well? Now you can find a wide variety of sex toys and accessories that are based on technology and they work amazingly as intense sexual stimulators. You can find toys that stimulate your partner even more intense than you could ever do it and if you don’t believe it, keep reading.

1. Remote control panties

A pair of panties is just a pair of panties for most people, but it can be so much more! Now, you can turn your lover on by simply using your remote. The remote control vibrating plug panties are made of nice materials such as PVC and they come in a variety of color. Their dirty little secret is the plug that can be found inside of them. This plug acts like a vibrator and can be turned on and off by using a remote with not less than 20 different functions.

You can control the speed, the movement and many of your lover’s reactions! If you are the dominant type you will simply love to control your partner without even touching them! This device goes well for most of role playing fantasies also and can be incorporated in a variety of BDSM scenes.

2. Remote control breast stimulators

We all know that a woman’s breasts are her most erogenous zones and if you can stimulate her nipples right, you are on for an incredible sexual encounter! Electro-stimulating nipple toys are very popular nowadays and if they come with a remote that can be controlled by the dominant partner, even better! You can use these devices in complex sexual encounters when you can’t use your hands to stimulate your partner’s nipples so a remote will be very useful. And if you want to teach your slave a lesson just try these devices and see how much nipple stimulation they can take. As a warning, be prepared for an intense orgasm even without intercourse. Your female submissive partner might not be able to control her desire to have an orgasm when you play with their nipples in such an intense way! You can combine such devices with dildos or other genitalia stimulators if you want to get the best out of your partner!

3. Remove control vibrators and plugs

Vibrators are classic sex toys and they remain just as popular nowadays. They are almost timeless when it comes to a good sexual encounter and they are part of most sex arsenals. But you can control the intensity of your slave’s vibrator right from your fingertips now, and that is possible by using a remote control vibrator. They are small, and very exciting to use! Made of soft materials that gently excite your lover’s intimate parts, these will be some of your favorite little toys for sure! Some of these vibrators are not bigger than a bullet but they can do a lot of β€œdamage” that you, as a dominant, will love! They come in different colors and with different functions so you will not get bored using them and they can be part of a variety of BDSM scenes. For better results, you can even tie your partner in a form of bondage so you have complete control over their sexual stimulation!

While you dive into the world of electro-stimulating devices and remote control toys, all you need to do is keep an open mind and find the right buttons to push. You will love the control that these little devices will give you over your submissive partner. And they will love to feel so powerless in your hands! You can have incredible BDSM scenes with your submissive lover while you use such a device and discover new sexual levels that you didn’t imagine they existed before.

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