The process ofΒ one partner putting their hand into the other’sΒ vagina isΒ called fisting. IΒ say Β«processΒ» because itΒ takes some gradual easing toΒ work the whole hand all the way in. OnΒ both sides ofΒ the equation, fisting can create thrilling and intense pleasure, well worth the care and effort often needed. For the partner who isΒ taking the fist, having the hand ofΒ your lover fill you upΒ likely will beΒ super-sensual and arousing. AsΒ for the fister, what anΒ exhilarating sensation toΒ watch asΒ your hand disappears atΒ the wrist into your lover’sΒ body. *g*

The fister’sΒ hand should beΒ inΒ aΒ prime, manicured state. This, ofΒ course, does not mean that any salon work isΒ necessary. What itΒ means isΒ that things like jagged orΒ rough-edged nails are unacceptable-the nails should beΒ asΒ smooth and short asΒ possible inΒ the interest ofΒ comfort and safety. The vagina isΒ aΒ sensitive area and puncturing the inner walls with un-manicured nails isΒ going toΒ beΒ aΒ painful experience which isΒ easily avoided!

While I’mΒ onΒ the topic ofΒ comfort, lubrication isΒ anΒ essential for fisting. AΒ water-based lube like the 5100P Moist Gel Lubricant will have aΒ cleaner, smoother feel toΒ it, but multiple reapplications will probably beΒ necessary. IfΒ you choose aΒ silicone-based lubricant, like the 3113E Moist Silicone Spray Lubricant, which has aΒ thicker but super-slippery feel, reapplication most likely won’tΒ beΒ anΒ issue asΒ silicone lubes are meant toΒ last aΒ long time. Make sure toΒ use lube onΒ both the vagina and the whole hand before fisting. The sensation ofΒ aΒ bare hand may beΒ preferable toΒ some, but fisting with latex gloves can also feel amazingly sexy. The latex gloves, like this favorite, the 2908K Fitted Latex Gloves, will inΒ addition provide anΒ even more slippery effect inΒ conjunction with lube.

Getting hot and heavy with foreplay first will heighten the arousal ofΒ both partners, allowing for more relaxation and ease once it’sΒ time for the fist toΒ goΒ in. Having aΒ couple ofΒ orgasms first isΒ not aΒ bad idea either-of course, it’sΒ never aΒ bad idea toΒ have aΒ few orgasms! *wink* And while the wide part ofΒ the hand isΒ going in, don’tΒ forget about the possibilities with your other hand orΒ your mouth! Pleasure aimed atΒ her clitoris with your fingers orΒ tongue will also help ease inΒ the base ofΒ the hand, asΒ her quickly rising arousal will definitely relax those vaginal muscles. Vibrators, like the multi-functioning 7362E Aphrodite Infrared Rechargeable Magic Wand, are another great way toΒ intensity the pleasure while fisting.

Contrary toΒ what itΒ may seem, fisting isΒ aΒ team effort, rather than one person doing something toΒ the other. Because ofΒ the sensitive nature ofΒ the vagina, aΒ high level ofΒ communication and trust are essential for maximum fisting pleasure and success. The fister’sΒ job isΒ toΒ work inΒ the fist gently, while the fistee must relax those vaginal muscles soΒ that the hand can ease its way in. When the PCΒ muscles are consciously tightened and then released while slowly breathing out, upon release, the hand should naturally slide inΒ further. Another way toΒ assist the process ofΒ fisting (some hands are quite big, you know! *g*) isΒ for the fistee toΒ lie onΒ her back and tilt her head up, because when the spine isΒ stretched out, all those internal organs create more room inside byΒ moving up.

Once all the way in, the vagina will probably contract aΒ bit onto the fist which creates pressure. This will sometimes urge the fister toΒ pull their hand out quickly, but resist this urge! Pulling out rapidly could beΒ quite painful toΒ your partner, and soΒ best avoided. Besides, the easiest way isΒ toΒ let the fist beΒ pushed out slowly while she’sΒ cumming - which isΒ anΒ amazing sensation for everyone involved! *g* And how exactly does anΒ inserted fist get her toΒ cum? Let your hand compact and expand, which will give the sensation over and over ofΒ filling her up. NoΒ doubt she’llΒ like that… *giggles* AsΒ you watch her body succumb toΒ the pleasure, slowly move inΒ and out just aΒ bit-it won’tΒ take much, trust me. Watch her response. IfΒ she likes this, increase the pressure and intensify the motion aΒ little. Switch between the two movements, expanding your hand and pushing inΒ and out aΒ bit and you’llΒ have her screaming with delight! *g*

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