Nutritious Food to Fuel Your Sex Drive

No one can deny that food influences how we feel, so what we eat affects our sex life. As a matter of fact, people who make some adjustments in their diets can swear that they can also feel the changes in their sex life as well. This result has been supported by scientific studies.

They say you are what you eat. In order to be super sexual and have a high sex drive, what foods do you need to eat? Well, that is exactly what we are going to figure out in these next few paragraphs.

1. Carbohydrates and protein-rich foods

Sexual performance basically depends on a number of factors; good nerve function, normal and healthy hormone levels, and unobstructed blood flow to the pelvis. And in order to maintain all of those factors in top shape, you should regularly consume legumes, grains, and complex carbohydrates; your diet should consist of a lot of vegetables and fruits, with some protein. This way, your body will be getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly.

2. Vitamin C rich foods

A special shout out goes to fruits packed with vitamin C, all citrus fruits such as strawberries, kiwis and oranges. These are important because vitamin C helps to strengthen your blood vessel walls. On the other hand, you should also consume low-fat dairy products, whole grains, and green vegetables to keep those mucous membranes on the female reproductive tract in good shape.

3. Vitamin E rich foods

Just as well, some scientists affirm that you need the vitamin E that comes from nuts, oils, margarine, seeds, wheat germs, and vegetables to maintain your sexual function. So, don’t forget to add that olive oil and those walnuts to your grocery list.

4. Foods rich in Iron

If you feel down with a very low sex drive, you may have anemia, especially if that low energy extends to other areas of your life. A lot of people often feel they are way too tired for sex and this may be due to an iron deficiency. In order for your brain to release endorphins, (neurochemicals that makes you feel good) you need to exercise regularly and eat properly. Meat, seafood, legumes, leafy greens, seeds, and nuts are necessary to keep that stamina going and blood iron levels within in normal range.

5. Foods rich in Zinc

Science has proven how important zinc is to sexual function although it is still not clear how exactly these two are linked. But when you are not getting enough zinc in your body, the male’s body doesn’t produce sperm cells (yes, the body needs zinc to produce sperm). As a matter of fact, when children don’t get enough of this mineral, their sexual development is delayed! Basically, Zinc is super important for a proper sexual function so, you should be getting appropriate amounts of it. You can get it from foods of animal origin, like meat and seafood, eggs, and dairy products as well as beans, nuts and whole grains.

Important reminder

Although alcohol and nicotine are not foods, they negatively affect sex drive and you should cut them off if you are having trouble. Excessive alcohol actually causes impotence and shrinks the testicles in men. Well, nicotine blocks the arteries, so you are more likely to have clogged arteries and poor circulation if you smoke.

Lastly, by now you have probably heard how bad saturated fats are for you because they create plaques on the blood vessels of your heart. But what you may be surprised to find is, those same plaques can also form in the blood vessels around your penis. And needless to say, if the blood can’t get there, the penis will be unable to maintain an erection and it can’t perform its duties as intended.

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