Even if many hot ideas can be acquired from watching different erotic videos, too much porn can actually bring more damage than benefits to your sexual life and your entire relationship. While using porn as a source of inspiration can increase the diversity in your intimate life, when you become dependent on porn to reach sexual pleasure and satisfaction, then things are not on the right path.
The main problem with porn is it gives you an unrealistic comparison to make your real sex life less exciting. Most of the people who dedicate a lot of their time to watching erotic videos don’t really realize the impact of this behavior on their long-term relationships. Excessive porn viewing can affect you as an individual as well, sexually and psychologically.
1. It can affect your brain
The human brain and its entire function is still a mystery for many doctors and scientists. But one thing is for sure; our brains are making new connections and continue to develop throughout our entire life. However, if these connections are not being stimulated, they will not just happen in a natural way. Studies have shown the brains of those who watch more porn on a regular basis are less connected and less active. While your brain has the capacity to rewire itself, this can only be achieved through thinking, analyzing, and developing your own individual opinions about you and the world around you. Apparently, activities such as porn viewing, though it makes one feel very relaxed, tends to block all these processes and reduces your brain’s capacity. You shouldn’t trade your brain’s ability to discover new levels of thinking for a few moments of relaxation.
2. Porn can be addictive
Many people fall in the trap of becoming addicted to watching erotic videos every time they want to reach an orgasm. While this might not necessarily be a general rule, it is definitely one of the porn hazards you should be aware of. A positive way to use porn is when you want to research certain sexual techniques and practices you might want to try with your partner. You can discover many types of bondage styles to incorporate into your real sexual encounters. You can also watch porn when you can’t be with your partner to achieve an intense orgasm with them. Also, you can use porn to see how certain sex toys such as chastity belts and penis pumps can bring you sexual satisfaction. Whatever is your reason for watching porn, just make sure it is not the first option you go to when you want to enjoy an intense orgasm.
3. It can change the way you feel about your partner
One of the most damaging effects of watching too much porn is it can alter your sexual tastes and emotions. This goes back to the brain’s capacity to rewire and create new connections based on your actions and choices. Our brains are naturally made to develop healthy behaviors and habits to support our life in a positive way. However, when they are attacked with too many neurochemicals released by sexual stimulation, they tend to stop working the way they should. You might feel your partner is not good enough for you or you feel you need more to be sexually satisfied. A sense of false reality can be created by watching too much porn. One begins to expect the situations from their favorite porn scene to reflect in reality. In truth, every sexual intercourse is not always as dramatic. One’s make-up, hair and physical appearance cannot be compared to those of professional porn stars. Plus, the high levels of sexuality porn stars bring to the screen is scripted and feigned.