4 Tips to Excite the Senses for Hotter Sex

Successful foreplay means considering everything. When you do, you will be rewarded with an amazing sexual encounter and an intense orgasm if you succeed at this first step. During foreplay, you want to excite your partner and wake up all their senses or as many of them as you can.

In time, you will find this to be a natural process. But if you are a beginner at it, here are some tips to help you improve your foreplay techniques to benefit you and your partner. So, let’s see what you have to consider when you are aiming for an intense sexual scene with your loved one!

Stimulate your auditory senses with good music

    Nice music will set the right atmosphere when you want to get intimate with your lover. Choose any playlist you feel comfortable with and enjoy listening to. But remember this general rule when it comes to the right music, the sexier it sounds, the better.

    Once your partner hears the exciting lyrics and sensual sounds, they will be more willing to let go of their inhibitions and give you permission to get intimate. So, be ready, as things can only get hotter from this point forward!

    Visual stimulation

      The visual aspect is also very important and is often the first of the senses you will be able to stimulate in your partner. Wear aΒ sexy outfitΒ and set up the right ambience to create the intense effect you are looking for. If you are aiming for a BDSM scene based on some kind of roleplay then be sure to dress appropriately with a sexyΒ costumeΒ to match the theme of your sexual encounter. Don’t hold back when you choose a sexy outfit and put your body on show as much as you want. Use it to turn on your partner the moment he or she sees you.

      Scented candles can be very erotic

        Candles help a lot when it comes to setting up the right atmosphere for an intimate encounter. If your partner prefers a specific smell, then be sure to choose scented candles to help spread the smell around the room. Your partner would enjoy the fresh smell and appreciate you for remembering how much they like the scent. A whiff of its fragrance can help both of you relax and get comfortable.

        At the same time, it can get both of you excited for what is to come. Chances are the mood will make it hard to resist some passionate make out sessions! Some people underestimate the power of a pleasant smell around the room, but for your own benefit, don’t be fooled! Remember, the secret to great foreplay is in the details and how you choose to exploit them.

        Touching can give you a great orgasm

          Touching is the most common form of foreplay used. But touching your partner can be done in a variety of ways. Use the erotic power of your hands or use specific sex toys and accessories to help you wake up intense passions in your lover. If you are more of the hardcore type, then some impact play such asΒ spankingΒ orΒ whippingΒ can be the way to go.

          This will lead to amazing and exciting sexual activities guaranteed to keep both of you engaged in many hours of hot and heavy passion. In time, you will know just the right way to stimulate your partner through the power of touch. No doubt, you will use it more often than you think.

          Taking care of your partner’s senses and stimulating them the right way guarantees your sexual encounter will be unlike anything you have experienced together. Moreover, it will allow both of you to reach new levels of pleasure as one. Beyond the physical benefits, turning on your senses during sexual stimulation can also strengthen the level of intimacy between the two of you.

          Thus, making you feel more connected with each other. The more you know how to stimulate your partner’s senses the better and happier your sex life together will be. Chances are it will be a key factor to solidify your partnership for many years to come. So, it is quite a worthy investment!

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